W4ABR Repeater Information
Repeater Input Frequency: 146.190
Repeater Transmit Frequency: 146.790
Repeater Tone Frequency: 131.8 hz
The repeater requires CTCSS tone access with a tone code of 131.8 hz. the 131.8 hz tone is also transmitted on the repeater output so users may utilize the tone squelch feature of their radios.
W4ABR/R is now System Fusion capable effective 8/28/2018. The repeater operates in AMS (Automatic Mode Select) supporting analog FM and C4FM digital voice and data. No digital group iD is required.
W4ABR/R is accessible via Echolink on W4ABR-R. Please read our Echolink operation policy here: Echolink Policy
W4ABR/R is located atop the Franklin Woods Community Hospital, 300 Med Tech Parkway, Johnson City, TN.
The repeater has been in service at this location since 2016.
W4ABR/R is open to general amateur use unless emergency activation of JCARA and ARES® is in effect.
During these periods of drills, exercises or actual emergency nets, the net status will be announced by Net Control.
L to R: N4XIR, K4ETN, KJ4ZVU, Norm Grey Franklin Woods Hospital and K0MG